Fontes Anglo-Saxonici

A Register of Written Sources Used by Anglo-Saxon Authors

We regret to inform any users of Fontes Anglo-Saxonici that this site is unavailable. The site was withdrawn from public use in December 2018, as the technologies which the site is built with have reached their end-of-life. Members of Fontes Anglo-Saxonici are currently developing a new version of the online database which will be hosted by the University of St Andrews.

Meanwhile, users can continue accessing the standalone version of the database from the Oxford University Research Archive.

What is Fontes Anglo-Saxonici?

Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: A Register of Written Sources Used by Authors in Anglo-Saxon England is intended to identify all written sources which were incorporated, quoted, translated or adapted anywhere in English or Latin texts which were written in Anglo-Saxon England (i.e. England to 1066), or by Anglo-Saxons in other countries.

The material is compiled in the form of a database which analyses each Anglo-Saxon text passage by passage, sentence by sentence or, if necessary, phrase by phrase, identifying the probable source-passages used for each particular segment. The database now contains over 28,000 records analysing in detail the source-relationships of around 1143 Anglo-Saxon texts (over 500 Old English and over 600 Latin) and identifying the use of over 1000 sources and analogues.

The database shows which texts were known in Anglo-Saxon England, how well specific texts and authors were known, and in what different ways they were used. It also provides the basis for studies on the intellectual interests of Anglo-Saxon authors, and what contributions the Anglo-Saxons made to the history of ideas.

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